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Monday, September 24, 2007

Jump Around!

I am not sure why Calista and I thought it was a good idea to spend the better part of 5 hours jump dancing in flip flops on a brick patio at the winery and treating it as our personal mosh pit on Saturday, but I assure you, it kicked my ass something awful the next day...

Today is worse.

...and I was the sober one!

Calista is in tragic shape as well.

We are a pair, for sure.

Yesterday I spent the day lubing my legs with a stick of Icy Hot. I won't even get into how hawt that was not at the Queeny Park event yesterday. It's tricky to flirt with boys when you have like 4% range of motion and reek of Icy Hot.

...Though at least one person mentioned that I cleared their sinuses.

I have felt better after car accidents and bike wrecks than I did yesterday...and today is by far much uglier.

I mean, the average time for a woman in our age demographic to complete a full marathon is 5:06:08...and they wear the right shoes for fuck's sake!

...But some of those fuckers shuffle their way to 26.2 miles...

The quick bitches who actually run it are doing it for less than 5 hours...

However, they do not jump up and down and up and down and up and down and up and...You get the point, yes?

At least we had good tunes and the band was pretty-ish. (Did ya like that fancy hyphen usage right there?)

...I feel that it is no cute coincidence that "Jump Around" was recorded by a band named "House of Pain"...

Yeah...I get it!

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