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Monday, October 1, 2007

Wookie Pits

OK, so I started to write a piece on females with hairy armpits, after a pre-dinner discussion I had last night. Little did I know (but quickly discovered) that there is a whole underworld of armpit hair fetish out there!

Whooda thunk it?

I was just going to find a pic for the story and "POOOOOF!" there's all this armpit hair fetish nonsense.

I cracked up.

The women that I know who do not shave their pits (or legs...or bush) sure as shit don't do it for fetish purposes. They are against the ridiculous marketing in American culture that insisted that visible hair on women was not only unsightly, but a curse. There was even a 1982 article from the Journal of American Culture by Christine Hope titled "Caucasian Female Body Hair and American Culture." Since it was males making these claims and males seemed to rule everything at the time of the original female shaving movement (1915), these modern women went against the grain and stopped shaving.

It had become something that was specifically attached to male attraction, so they tossed it out the window.

And they were grounded in their reasoning...yet that was here in America. In many other cultures around the world, women do not shave. And in some cultures it is just downright sexy for a woman to be hairy.


Now, that would never work for me personally, because I don't like hairy people. Male or female. Then again, I had a crush on Mr. Clean when I was 4, so there's that...

I don't think pit hair is sexy. I do not think armpit hair, regardless of gender, belongs in pictures or marketing pieces and wish to dog that dudes would shave their friggin' pits too. They're effing stinky or clumped with balls of antiperspirant/deodorant.


So in looking this all up, I even came across some people who are outraged by those who shave or like shaved "stuff". Apparently, according to one dip shit, we are "no better than pedophiles".


Now seriously, I won't rail on someone who doesn't shave, so long as I don't have to fuck it and it isn't serving my food (which is what came up during the pre-dinner discussion). But I think it's a bit out there to say that those who shave their hoo-has are no better than pedophiles.

Seriously, have you ever been in the middle of receiving some mind-blowing cunnilingus and about to climax and have your partner stop to remove a pube from their mouth? Yeah. That can suck and truly fuck up the flow.


Let me say that a family member of mine has embraced this not shaving thing. YEARS ago. She loves to taunt me with her hairy pits and legs, but she doesn't wave that shit over my food.

When I left my husband, I got rid of the bimmer, got a Jeep, chopped off my hair and started climbing again. My friends were worried. I said, "If I stop shaving my pits and get like 27 cats, be worried."

This is the deal; a man can't serve food wearing a tank top because of those pit hairs, so why should a chick be able to? She is allowed to wear a tank because it is assumed that chicks shave their pits. Now, having worked there for a while, you KNOW that management knows that she is a non-shaver. Why can they not discuss this covering of the pit hair issue with her?

Now mind you, this place doesn't require that the employees wear hair nets or anything, but I would be far more grossed out by a pit hair in my hummus than a scalp hair. (Though for the record, both are gross.)

We are all different. Some of us shave and some of us do not, but life is not an Arrid Extra Dry® commercial. Put your frickin' arms down already!

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