*DISCLAIMER: If you are a stalker-type individual, Assclown, Ass-monkey, Dicknozzle or some other variation of a socially dysfunctional Ass-hat, reading this blog will cause your retinas to burn straight through the back of your head. Consider yourself warned.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

PSA: Pubes & Pee

You would think that this should not have to be stated, but ummmmmm, clearly it does.

OK...look...I accept the fact that there are still people walking around with pubes.

I am not sure why...and I do not ask...but I accept it.

I don't want to see that situation and I don't want to know about it, but I accept it.

That being said, if you are a person who has chosen not to pubescape, may I adamantly request the following...?

Please look at the toilet seat before you leave that area.

If you notice that one of those less-than-adorable little curly fellas has been left behind, please wipe it/them off the seat.

I know it may seem as though I am not a "team player", but I really do not feel that cleaning up someone else's pubes should ever be the responsibility of another person.


It is a toilet seat. It is not supposed to look like a Chia pet.

Wipe that shit up.

The same goes for pee.


If you are a dude, shake that nonsense off like a pro, not like a tweaking 2 year old.

If you are a chick, there is really no excuse for drips on the seat.

Hover your junk over the bowl, sistas.

Then wipe...while still over the bowl.

Don't do a goddamned dance over the thing to get every last drop out. You could hurt yourself...and make a hot mess.

That should just about cover it.

I would like to personally thank that hairy assclown who inspired this blog for completely triggering my gag reflex this morning, thus ensuring that I am in no danger of adding holiday weight today.

*2 entirely snarky thumbs up*


  1. I think I work with a fluffy bunch, because I regularly have to deal with their public toilet seat pubes. Sometimes, I just hold it till I get home, and you know that's not really my style.

  2. The thought of you holding it provides me a mental image of the fuzzy situation regarding the restrooms there...and I do not like that image.


    Hold me?

  3. I never thought a port-o-pot would be appealing, but this post has convinced me otherwise. Oh, and I'm totally appropriating "fucktard" into my vernacular. It shall replace "fuckwit" as my preferred insult. Bravo.

  4. Damn...I really like "fuckwit" though!

  5. Hi, I can’t understand how to add your site in my rss reader. Can you Help me, please :)

  6. Ummmm...I feel your pain. I am unfamiliar with how to solve this issue...Hmmm...I am flattered and flabbergasted all at once...damn!

    Is this how Technical Support feels daily...?

    I dunno...typically I find them to be neither technical nor supportive...but I once got in trouble in Corp America for typing that out loud. (True story.) I have since developed a twitch over all unresolvable IT issues....so I am pretty unfulfilled and unconnected myself. This sucks.

  7. Brilliant as usual.

    Good luck tomorrow.

  8. Thanks, Darlin'! I'll be alright. I'm going to hit my last spin class tonight and then set my trainer up at the house so that I have to look at my bike. lol
