*DISCLAIMER: If you are a stalker-type individual, Assclown, Ass-monkey, Dicknozzle or some other variation of a socially dysfunctional Ass-hat, reading this blog will cause your retinas to burn straight through the back of your head. Consider yourself warned.

Monday, December 21, 2009


Dear Fucktard:

Yeah you. You know who you are. Guess what? The fact that someone else does not like this made up word does not take away from the fact that you are in fact a fucktard.

Here is the definition for the context in which I have always used this word (as I am not and have never claimed to be the inventor of this word):

Fucktard (noun): A person of unbelievable, inexcusable and indescribable stupidity. (Stupidity being defined as "knowing the correct way and doing it incorrectly in complete disregard".)

True Fucktards are 100% responsible for their situation and provide vast entertainment as they are usually blissfully unaware of their own Fucktardery.
Ex: One who would actually piss on a live transformer.

Someone not liking the usage of this word does not take away from the fact that no one came to your defense about your pathetic ranting over your piece of crap prickmobile and the bodily harm to someone else.

You or anyone thinking I am an asshole for what you have decided I meant by the use of the word does not make you any less of an asshole. That is something you fail to realize.

You are still an asshole and likely have heard this your entire life. You likely have a small, dysfunctional penis and a ginormous wookie bush and think you are the shit in the sack but in reality are too insecure and self absorbed to bring another person any true pleasure.

You are an affront to the cycling community and to the human population as a whole. I feel sorry for you. I am sure you have worked your ass off your entire adult life to be able to afford the material things you have, but in the end, what people really need in life cannot be purchased.

You will polish your shiny black piece of rolling identity and call yourself a man, when in actuality, you are a sad and selfish child.

You will convince yourself that you are misunderstood and that there is a clique who is simply against you, but the fact is that the St. Louis cycling community is pretty damned welcoming...unless you are a fucktard.

At some point you simply have to ask yourself what part your actions played into people being angry at you.

I think your story is crap. You made it up. Even if it were a true story, you come across as an asshole...and not just with that story.

Your shitty attitude and disregard toward the hard work of others is unacceptable. GORC works its ass off so that everyone has cool trails to ride.

FYI: GORC has been responsible for over 50 miles of new multi-use trail construction on public land in the St. Louis area; maintenance workdays have touched over 85 miles of trail in Eastern Missouri. In all cases, the trails were designed by GORC members, approved by the Park/Land Manager, and built with 100% volunteer labor. [read more here]

So, yeah...when they request simple respect for the trails which THEY maintain and design, you should give it. If you choose not to, that is your call, but you threw that disrespect in their faces when you could have been a bit less douchebag and rode them without a word. It still would have been wrong, but at least you could be a douchebag in private.

Don't get me wrong, I love that you are so fucking obtuse that you don't get it. It provides me endless entertainment. But when you come after me in a misguided attempt to deflect the fact that you are a complete fucking dicknozzle, my gloves come off.

I feel sorry for you, dipshit. I will have some "down time" when I have surgery, so I invite you to bring that shit after the 30th. I'll be cut open and off the bike. Cyclocross season is over and I will be bored.

I went really far in school too, so I have all the $10 vocabulary words you can handle, mother fucker. (OOOOPS! That last one just slipped out. That was my inner Brooklyn. My bad.)


  1. It really is just so difficult to tell with that family. ;)

  2. Wookie Bush? Wasn't that the fucktard Bush brother?

  3. what did i do to piss you off? ;-)

    talk soon!

  4. @JB: I don't think it is possible for you to piss me off. You are an angel. I, however am an old forgetful bag. Sorry, bra.
