*DISCLAIMER: If you are a stalker-type individual, Assclown, Ass-monkey, Dicknozzle or some other variation of a socially dysfunctional Ass-hat, reading this blog will cause your retinas to burn straight through the back of your head. Consider yourself warned.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Doctor Dipshit

While I love to receive constructive criticism, I generally am amused and annoyed buy low class fucktards who feel the need to make shitty comments for no reason.

I am more amazed when a comment comes from someone on my list of Facebook friends (yeah, fucker...I know).

I was "lucky" enough to receive last night some medical advice from someone with such strong medical credentials, they posted "anonymously" to my blog. Sadly, in the digital world, the term "anonymous" is misleading.

Anonymous to me: @7:18 PM (12 hours ago)
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Wrappin' It Up...":
"would it kill you to get some chemo, oh no, wait, it would probably save your life"

So sweet, yes?

Hey douchebag, while I am sorry that your mother clearly did not breast feed you, I cannot personally offer you my tit as your personal therapy because cancer ate it first. (But I assure you, you need fucking therapy.)

And while I am tempted to take medical advice from some assclown who likely read Lance Armstrong's, "It's Not About the Bike" and therefore considers thyself an expert on cancer, I'm just gonna have to be a stupid bitch and follow the advice of the medical team which has kept me alive for the better part of this decade.


Not only are people like you assholes for being fucking callous to someone else when they clearly don't need that shit at the precise moment that they don't need it, but you reveal yourself as the uneducated ignoramus you clearly are.

Go read a fucking book, because you sure as shit didn't read my medical chart, mother fucker....and I bet I have been through more hours of chemo than you have spent in a library.

Even Lance isn't "pro-chemo".

He is an advocate for cancer treatment and the search for a cure.

He credits his medical staff for guiding him through the best treatment for HIM.

Guess what...?

Lance didn't have recurrent metastatic breast cancer, so maybe...just maybe...his treatment would likely be different than mine.


I am surprised that you seemed to miss that Lance DID go under the knife. It's the reason he only has one nut.

Oh, and Doctor Dipshit, I actually do have medical evidence that chemo would likely kill me...It's the inoperable tumor in my brain caused by the lengthy chemo I underwent, so go fuck yourself.

(Poor Lance. Chances are you didn't even read his book but wear your cute yellow bracelet and simply watch ER to become the "expert" you so clearly are. Either way, you're an idiot.)

I'm sending you love, my dim-witted "friend". Someone has to.


  1. You used my favorite word..douchebag.

    Paging Doctor Dipshit.

  2. I do what I can. lol

  3. Cory,
    This is why I love you so much, my friend!
    Obviously, this low life doesn't know you at all. Why the F!@# would he/she/it think they could comment!??

  4. Ehhhh, they are simply a spineless hijo de puta. Nothing more. Nothing less. lol

  5. Assclown and Fucktard are my favorite words. :)

    I'm thinking of you, Cory. You will do fine and be on that bike, or those bikes, before you know it. :)

  6. @Lis: Yeah, I'll be fine...and if not, I'll be dead and won't know it. lol

    I have to work on Bunny-hopping barriers over the next few weeks because I sure as shit am not going to be able to dismount/carry/remount a bike in 2 weeks. :-p

    *Winks at J. Powers for bunny-hop love*

  7. I hate fucktards! Some people are just plain dumb.

    Oh yeah and if you manage to figure out how to cleanly bunny hop barriers, you are coming to my clinic next year to instruct! :)

  8. Hey, it could happen!

  9. OMG I am so happy that a. I didn't post at all yesterday and that b. I am not a doctor!! :-) I do, however, have the PERFECT t-shirt for you, which I will express mail if you give me your address..


    Your friend (the onc. nurse who knows better than to EVER give such advice or make such a callous comment to anyone, EVER!!!)

  10. Piss on the doubters and the douche bags. Keep your eye on the prize and know that there are many you know and even more you don't who are pullin' for you.

    Cheers sweetheart,

  11. Ha! I read this b/c I was hoping that you weren't talking about me. I should've known better, I'm a.k.a. Dr Douchebag - obviously a totally different person.

  12. Cracking me up! I actually read that last one in the grocery store and almost busted some stitches.
