*DISCLAIMER: If you are a stalker-type individual, Assclown, Ass-monkey, Dicknozzle or some other variation of a socially dysfunctional Ass-hat, reading this blog will cause your retinas to burn straight through the back of your head. Consider yourself warned.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Humble Bumble

Oft I write here bitching and ranting in my personal twisted style of humor the things that annoy me, frustrate me, anger me, hurt me, or just plain stress me out.

Rarely do I publicly do the whole "touchy feely" thing of calling out the love for the people who support, love, like, cheer me on when I am not racing and am just being me.

Maybe because that happens every day and the things that piss me off or hurt me happen so infrequently.

That being said, these really awesome people get "lost" in the name of blog-writing humor and although I try to tell/show the important people in my life how much I appreciate them, there's no reason why I shouldn't also declare it for the world (or the 10 or 12 other people who read my blogs*).

*Above number does not reflect the several blog stalkers and other complete strangers who attempt or assume to know me based solely on what is written here or my photos. Derrr.

While I have a small and wonderful circle of friends who may or may not also be friends with each other, there are a few people who are there no matter what and who are my constants.

People who I know I could go to in a second if I needed something. Anything. Even though generally I don't.

(This is sometimes perceived as "shutting people out".)

It isn't, but I understand the perception.

Ty and The Sass, by far are the most outstanding humans I have known in some time.

Both strong willed and steadfastly independent and headstrong...and yet complete opposites of each other and sometimes me as well. I am a very fortunate woman to be gifted with children such as these.

Then there is Lisa.

Through thick and thin (and believe me there was some pretty thick shit in our time) she is my rock.

So much more than I think she ever thought she would be but everything I knew she was even 23 years ago.

Words cannot express how happy I am that she lives only a mere 6 hours away (even though I think they should move closer).

This amazing woman (and her family) are family to me and I could not imagine my life without them in it.

We are opposite in sooooooo many ways but total mirrors when it matters...she's just tinier.

She's one of the few people I would give an organ to...if my organs were acceptable for human reception. (I'm sure at some point they will stop glowing from all the poison...if not I may spend the afterlife as a night light.)

Then there's Shannon.

What a selfless woman!

Strong. Sexy. Brilliant. True.

I have cracked up, cried, and danced my ass off with this woman.

From the minute we met, we were instant friends...which may be the one good thing that ever came out of that 4th of July party that year.

Shannon is one of those friends who you want to tell everyone about and at the same time keep her to yourself. She is magnetic.

With her long-time circle of close-knit friends I am not sure why or what she saw in me, but I am very fortunate to call her my friend...and I doubt anyone who knows her would disagree.


If I had to name one person who changed my life over the past year or so, Steph would win this one hands down.

Every time I pin on a race bib, the experience is made better when she is present. Whether kicking my ass or cheering me on, she is my Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society.

There isn't a time that I get on my bike anymore that I don't think of her and wish I was riding with her when I'm not and get giddy when I am.

She has been there through all my cycling suffering and pain and may be one of the few who never gives up on me. The fact that I know this every day, whether we talk or not, makes her pretty damn special.

The fact that I have been around to see all that she has accomplished with "ideas" over a short period of time fills me with pride.

The day that I was able to introduce her and Lisa was monumental for me and one of the happiest I have had in a long time.

Her husband Phil is a pretty cool cat too...even though he made me cry in my first race. (Wait! He was being nice while I was sucking and it made me cry...he wasn't being a dick! Don't hurt him!)


Then there's Ish.

Another one.

We knew the day "they" made us share an office that it was a done deal.

Ish is my sweet Latin brotha from anotha mutha.

One of the few men I have met who is prettier than me. (WOW! That reads really arrogant!)


Ish and Rodney are my loves!

I would do anything for these men and they for me.

I was lucky enough to be there at the start of their amazing relationship and will be the godmother of something of theirs at some point...(even though that something is trending more and more toward a bird or a fish.)

Ish and I have tortured office folk back in our corporate days and I am pretty sure we left a few with a twitch...at least I hope so...though a few had a twitch to begin with...



Day in and day out this man cheers me on whether on the bike or on the bathroom floor.

I'll admit, when I met him I didn't think he had it in him.

...then again he told me he was 24 and I am no cougar, so he was ruled out as anything more than a friend. (Turns out he's a weeeee bit older than 24 so game was ON!)

He likes to act like he's a badass (I mean...he IS a badass...) but he is a true friend and wonderful to me and my children.

Now while that may be because he is a kid at heart, it works.

I won't pretend that we shit butterflies and fart sparkles, but we have a lot of fun and play hard...

...Possibly too hard for the common observer who may not realize we are playing, but generally we do not leave marks.

All I need to do on any given day is call him for a second in the middle of my hell and usually without saying (or sometimes even knowing) anything, he helps me.

Even when focused on his race, he takes the time to kiss me and tell me he loves me.

Sometimes all people see is him yelling for a water bottle or a wheel, but races are an hour or 3 of our day. There is so much more that goes on and he doesn't really get credit for that stuff.

The man carries me when I fall, holds my hair when I puke, and runs to the store when I need things to make the aforementioned not happen.

He helps me prep my gear before races and has brought me to new levels of bike geekdom.

Often people wonder how the 2 of us could be a couple since we are also opposites...TOTAL opposites...

But he is no different than Lisa or Steph or Ish or Shannon. He is my friend. He gets me more often than not.

These are my peeps.

There are more in my small circle whom I love and adore like Anna, Andre, Angela, Craig, Christine, and Jessi...the list goes on...but I am all tapped out on "cumbaya" for the night and I just looked at the time.

Maybe it was watching my littlest graduate Kindergarten today.

Maybe it was crapping and puking my guts/brains out today.

Maybe it was the whole ER/strained heart muscle thing that made me want to put it out there...

I don't know.

The truth is, if I show you any attention or affection at all, I mean it. I don't like most people, so if I communicate with you, I actually like you.

And now, because I like me, I am going to bed.


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