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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Redemption Party

I don't care how stupid it seems...

I am throwing a post-race, on site, mini-party for myself when I finish the Gateway Tilles Crit this Sunday.

I know I'm a lowly Cat 4 woman.

I know I'm not a badass.

What I also know is that I am going to do MUCH better in that race this year than I did last year.

(Not that I need to try too hard to accomplish that...)

What I do have this year that I didn't actually really have last year was:
  1. a true desire to race

  2. knowledge about how this whole "crit thing" works

  3. the confidence to suck and the ability to do it with flare
The whole "sucking in a circle" thing really wigged me out last year.

This year, I sort of enjoy it.

I think psychocross had a lot to do with me getting over this.

I don't enjoy sucking in a race, but I don't let it beat the shit out of me like I did last year.

I learned that the race is not my mom and that it doesn't care if I suck, so long as I am there.

*waves at Mom*

This year, my expectations are much lower than they were last year when I foolishly believed that magical rays of light were going to simply push me around the course where I would not win, but certainly do well.


I did NOT do well.

At. All.

It was the first of two races that convinced me that Satan was real.

*shakes head*

This year, I am racing the Hillsoboro Roubaix the day before Tilles, so if I somehow suck worse than last year (not possible without me actually dropping dead on the course), I will of course use Hillsboro as my scapegoat.

What? Did you think I was above excuses???

That being said, once I cross the finish at Tilles (and do my standard "Holy shit! I finished" dance of pain and tears) there will be a celebration!

I will have portable "parties" to share with my friends (and Powerade for Steph) at the Velo Wagon.

See you there!

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