*DISCLAIMER: If you are a stalker-type individual, Assclown, Ass-monkey, Dicknozzle or some other variation of a socially dysfunctional Ass-hat, reading this blog will cause your retinas to burn straight through the back of your head. Consider yourself warned.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Way It Is

Surgery consultation tomorrow morning.

I'd rather ride my bike.

I'd rather sleep...for a long time...in pitched blackness.

I'd rather sip ice cold raspberry lemon drop martinis in the sun while I listen to The Sass run around the backyard giggling with Raycer.

The end.


  1. I'll treat you to a drink when it's done.
    tell me the time and place and i'll be there, designated driver is my specialty.
    love and prayers,

  2. lol Thanks, Pat! I don't need drinks to hang with you. You're one of the coolest chicks I know!


  3. Just keep dancin' on the pedals in your dreams!

    You know you have to pedal into the darkness and when you get there...well, just pedal faster because darkness and daylight is cyclical. Ya gotta have both or your eyes will hurt.

    We are all pedaling with ya...just grab a wheel and we will have a peloton help ya through.

  4. Thanks TTM. You and Mrs. TTM are pretty cool cats. ;-)

    I am freaking that I may be off the bike for 6 weeks. That SUCKS!

  5. Don't sweat 6 weeks, I was off for most of January, February, and March. (Lame Back)...I guess not everybody is cut out to be a bull rider.
    6 weeks is recovery time for the legs, just think how fresh they will be when ya saddle up again.
    Besides with you sidelined I know there will be a smiling face swingin' a cow bell, and Ty will get some wheel time on the Ridley. ;)

  6. I'll join you for a drink... if Pat drives me home too :O
